29 July 2009

when a leader go astray

a ship is one unit
one body
and one soul
but a ship must be lead by a leader

when a leader is strong
the whole ship will be strong
so strong that it will become a battleship
feared and revered at the same time

when a leader is productive
the whole ship will be too
so productive that it will become a fishery ship
to feed all other ship and bring more to life

when a leader is wise
the whole ship will be filled with wisdom
so wise that it will become a scholar ship
to teach all other to become wiser in life

when a leader is creative
the whole ship will be filled with joy
so happy that it will become a cruise ship
to bring happiness and delete all sorrow

when a leader is kind
the whole ship will be kind too
so kind that it will become a hospital ship
to heal all problems and diseases

when a leader is calm
the whole ship will be in tranquil
to relax it will become a mothership
to hold all other to give them chance to relax

when a leader go astray
the whole ship will go berserk
so berserk it will ripped itself to many pieces
and finally sink to the bottom of the seas

P.S. all leaders, beware! all of your unit are depend on you, go astray

once, you all doomed


yin and yang
heaven and earth
right and left
sword and shield

all lies in the earth
live in perfect equilibrium
a beautiful balance
a law that can't be denied

gift and curse
rich and poor
male and female
angel and demon

all in a balance
a nature of all things
all seeks to balance
to balance all they seek

but why
oh, why, i still can;t reach that balance
i dream and i seek for
will i ever reach balance state?

P.S. one day you Dang motorcycle!!!!!

Stupid Mistake

i have let you down down
i have been such a fool
leaning to those temptation
where i should played it cool

the situation is got out hand
i hope you understand

it could happen to anyone of us
anyone you know, you knew, and you will know
sometimes they hurt the one the love most
because of a stupid mistake

because of those tiny mistakes
sometimes the retribution could bigger than ocean
because of those unnoticeable holes
sometimes will create a opening enough to destroy a dam

P.S. i hope you can forgive me for those tiny holes and i hope to realised it before it's too late, i don't want to lose you

Taken from song 'anyone of us' by gareth gates

God didn't Exist

God didn't exist
only madmen say those line
God definite don't exist
only imbeciles say those line

science is truth
only men with beansprout as brain say those line
science is absolute
only men not from a woman's womb say those line

it is true science is what we study
it can be proven and shown to all eyes
where God is unstudiable
it can't be proven and shown to you all

but where is harder to prove God exist?
or prove God DIDN'T EXIST?
where are the prove God Didn't exist?

where science is truth and absolute?
even world's smartest man could make mistake
world speculate about things they don't understand
such as God, which is unstudiable

so did God Existed?
or do God Exist
or science is Truth
the same science that can answer all human's questions

P.S. inspired by Angel & Demon, one of the greatest novels of all time


water drops
cleaning all dry and drougth
bring fresh and life to dead earth

fallen ice
piercing all earth's creatures
warning them all of greater power

nature miracles
uniting heaven and earth
where God meet human

raging nature
where God show His power
to wash all sins in one swope

P.S. Rain, should people jump in joy or cowering in fear when they come?

ir's harder than it's look

being a leader
is much much harder than being a worker
so if you want to be a leader
think twice first, can you cope with it?

being the one to hold on
is much much harder than being the one holding
so if you want to hold
think twice first, can you hold them all?

being a teacher
is much much harder than being a student
so if you want to teach
think twice first, can you bear all of it?

being the one to lead teacher
is much much harder than all above
so if you want that job
don't think, just do it all!!!

P.S. dang, HoD is so harsh, job of a warship general with salary of a young private.

new breed of masters

another year has pass
and more blood and vein
flown in secret steps
to the realm of black mansion

new archvampires
new imps
new demons
new goblins

all ready to fill the slot of doom
to once again, the creation of masters
to once again, repeat th cycle
to once again, passing one more year

dear God, once again
i will face another turmoil
more and more will come before me
and before me they all

let the come
and let me to pass them all
in return of all their trust
to gather more and more bloods

P.S. dedicated to new breed of MHS, may them all be great one day

it's been a while

it's been a while
i miss do my blog again
my time have been consumed so much by so many thing
it's been a while since my last work here
i hope this could bring me back to my old pace