17 January 2011

3 moon

3 moon cycles have passed
under the same sun and same moon
we have been together
for 3 moon cycles

in those 3 cycles but i feel like 36 cycles
how i feel we already know for a long time
time that if counted only last 3 cycles of moon
but we do feel much monger than that

we have travel together
solve problem together
have fun together
and mad at each other

what don't destroy you only make you stronger
that what i feel
many problems splashes into our face
but we stay strong

the longer i knew her
the more i want to make her happy
fulfill all her needs
and make her always smile

God, aid me
aid us, guide us
to find Your path
to what end you wish to see

10 January 2011

rainy monday

why must today when its raining
when i must travel to deliver kids to their employer
why must today when its raining
when i'm eating a new and urgent task appear
why must today when its raining

God... make me strong

long travel

a long travel i had last year
along with love one i been together
going somewhere i never been step
with anxiety and excitement all in a keep

i travel to city and village alike in sun and rain
i feel enjoyment to smile and sadness to pain
i travel in both car to sleep and train to hunger
to reach destinations beyond even 5 leaves clover

a small town without interest
but this town is where she was blessed
a town where all here love ones stay
a town so close to city and a bay

may i give thanks always to God
to have me travel to journey to the Lord
although i just buy a cross and 2 figure
i am hoping i could stay there more

a place tweak my interest most
cheap stuff and fun things is the host
too bad i couldn't stay longer
i can't imagine how i will spend there